One simple thing you can do right now to improve your life

Believe it or not, the company you keep matters. A lot.

If you’re constantly surrounded by pessimistic people, guess what, after a while even you start imitating them. This happens, unless you try very very hard to stay optimistic because negative behaviours can be learnt quickly.

There’s this concept of mirroring in psychology.

Where you learn or imitate the behaviour of people around you knowingly or unknowingly.

How can you use this to your advantage?

Well, it’s simple!

Be in company of people who inspire you, who support your growth and who guide you in the right direction, who trust you and bring out the best in you.

Now as they say –

You’re the average of five people you spend most of your time with

I’ll tell you which of the five people you should surround yourself with –

1. Be with people around whom you feel loved and valued.

This can be your parents, or your friends or your partner. Anyone with whom you feel loved and valued.

2. Be with someone who makes you laugh and enjoy little things. Someone who makes you smile and appreciates you.

This can be your sibling or your best friend.

3. Be with someone who trusts you and whom you can trust. No matter what, you know you guys have got each other’s back.

(Now speaking of these qualities, you might know at least one person with whom these qualities resonate. Someone who makes you smile, some other person whom you can trust completely, someone else who makes you feel loved, etc.)

4. Be with someone who inspires you and motivates you and brings out the best in you.

Okay so this person can be hard to find.

But let me tell you, it’s not necessary that these people should be someone you know personally or have met them. They can also be your role models.

Someone you look up to. Someone who you want to be like. Someone you deeply admire.

Now even if you surround yourself with the ideas, the principles, the values these people have implemented in their life, it works. You slowly start thinking like them, you try to imitate their principles in your own life.

And believe me, that improves your life!

Imagine you’re constantly watching everything about Oprah Winfrey, Swami Vivekananda, or Gary Vee (let’s say they are your role models) So you are watching many videos of them on YouTube, you’re watching their shows. You are reading about them, reading their books.

What will happen after some time?

Your thinking patterns will change, your attitude changes, your perception about things change, you start acting differently, you start growing.

5. Be with someone who can guide you in the right direction in difficult times.

This can be your “therapist” friend, a mentor or a actual therapist. Someone who helps you gain clarity about situations and helps you take the right decision.

I don’t know how many people will agree with me, but I’ve found books to guide me as well. Self help books and even some fantasy novels have great messages. I could relate to those characters and understand their life.

These people help you understand certain things, especially when you need it the most.

Be careful about whom you choose as this person because when you are sad, depressed or angry, it’s very easy for a wrong person to drag you into a wrong behaviour.

I have found this to work in my personal life.

The moment I started focusing on myself and setting healthy boundaries and surrounding myself with people who bring out the best in me, I’ve seen myself change in a very good way.

When I started reading more about inspiring people, gathering more information about them and started applying their tips for success, I felt great!

I felt like I’m learning from them and slowly applying that in my own life and seeing the results.

I also started choosing whom to spend most of my time with and I found I was much happier and satisfied with my life than before.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling you to be picky and only choose the people whom you can benefit from, no! It’s good to have connection with different people, it’s nice to have them as your friends.

But, prioritise your time for those who really help you grow, who really matter. Because you have limited time.

Moral of the story – The company you keep matters. Choose the right people and see the drastic and quick improvement in your life.

Who are your role models? Do you “spend” more time with them? Do you feel the change in your mindset and actions?

Let me know in the comments below!!

Thank you for reading guys!❤️

Keep shining, keep smiling! 🙂

©Vrunda Chauk 2019

52 responses to “One simple thing you can do right now to improve your life”

  1. 🙂 Your blog post reminds me of the old saying, “Birds of a feather, flock together.”
    Fantastic blog post!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yeah! That’s truuue!
      Thanks for stopping by Renard! Appreciate your kind words❤️🙏
      Happy Sunday!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Tiger Lily Evergreen Avatar
    Tiger Lily Evergreen

    My heart parents, my very best friends, they have made me more confident and happy. I am who I am because of their genuine love. Great post, thanks for the heartfelt reminders.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww… That’s so sweet! Thank you for sharing your experience. Even I feel the same ❤️
      Appreciate your kind words my friend! Happy Sunday!!💖

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you do Saania! Thanks for stopping by🙏
      Happy Sunday!!❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! It’s going well💕

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ramyani Bhattacharya Avatar
    Ramyani Bhattacharya

    Another great post, Vrunda. You inspire me so much. It’s absolutely true what you said. It’s so enlightening to read all your posts. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww.. Ramyani! I always love to hear from you.. I’m happy to know my posts help you in some way. This means the world to me!❤️
      Bengali people are really sweet, my elder is Bengali and you both are so nice and kind


      1. Ramyani Bhattacharya Avatar
        Ramyani Bhattacharya

        Oh, that is so sweet 😋 Bengali people are sweet and I am sweeter. Haha!( Just kidding)
        You write soo good that it touches my heart, so my comments are natural.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah and Bengal is famous for sweets! Haha..😄
        Yes, I can feel your emotions dear… I feel so blessed to have such kind and encouraging people in my life ❤️🙏


      3. Ramyani Bhattacharya Avatar
        Ramyani Bhattacharya

        Yes. True. Bengal is unparalleled in sweets.😂 It’s my pleasure always to read your posts. It helps me a lot. Keep sharing these wonderful posts, because I opted for sociology instead of psychology so I get to know something or other.. which is always helpful. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yes, that’s actually my purpose. To share the knowledge of psychology that will benefit others to improve their own lives.
        And you always encourage me Ramyani. I can’t thank you enough for that❤️🙏


      5. Ramyani Bhattacharya Avatar
        Ramyani Bhattacharya


        Liked by 1 person

  4. Sohanpreet Kaur Avatar
    Sohanpreet Kaur

    Great post👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Sohanpreet! Glad you liked it!😊❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  5. fantastic article 👌👌

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks a lot Shubham!!🙏❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This article just gave me the courage to face my boards. Very powerful. Keep blogging….. U Rock it !

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww… I’m so happy it helped you Khushi!! Thank you so much for your kind words!❤️🙏
      And Good luck for your boards!🍀👍
      You’ll shine🌟

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I must thank you yaa for what u wrote. Boards are on the go ! Thanks for the wishes.☺️

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Well said Vrunda. I can only nod in agreement. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe… Thank you so much Radhika!! I’m so glad you like my posts😊 Thank you for your constant support!!🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Great post Vrunda.. That’s true we often start imitating our closed ones or people with us on daily basis.. As long as we are with positive environment we tend to follow the same..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Chiru! Very true!!
      I’m glad you could relate. Thank you for stopping by💕

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I had also the same experience. The moment I was working in my new job, I realized that I was addicted with negative thinking. I realized that my thoughts are not helpful and prevent me from enjoying the little things. But when I was surrounded by people who are, you know, happy and high-skilled, I started to change. My thinking and actions are improving and I’m loving this process. It is a proof that people who you are with most of the time do play a great role in your life.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes exactly! Thank you for sharing your experience my friend. I’m happy we could connect. Thank you so much for your visit and time💕❤️🙏

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You are welcome! Let us continue sharing our hearts thru writing 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes definitely! 💕

        Liked by 1 person

  10. What an inspiring and wonderful post, dear Vrunda – and it is so heartfelt and ties in with your own experience. Thank you for sharing with all of us! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you liked it Krishnapriya! Thank your sooo much!! 🙏🙏🙏
      It’s great to hear from you!💖

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I loved the post Vrunda. I couldn’t agree more with you. Also, the way you explained that you are not asking to connect to people with benefits but set priorities instead. I just loved that too. Also, your blog has already made into my favourite list as you are talking about something that I have always been curious about, human psychology. Keep going. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww… I am so happy to make it to your favorites! 💖 Thanks a lotttt for your encouragement and support Pratik!! 🙏 It’s always nice to hear from you!
      Yeah psychology is like the most fascinating subject and many people I’ve met are interested in knowing more about psychology.
      So I thought let’s present it in a easy to understand and interesting way! So… That’s what I’m doing…hopefully! Haha…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Come on, you are doing well. And yes, I wonder why they don’t make human psychology a compulsory subject in syllabus like computer. I mean we live in the era of technology and mostly with computers so why not human psychology for all. Don’t we live with people? Or is there a criterion to meet to study basic psychology. Sorry but I wonder if we are taught subjects like geometry, chemistry and physics which doesn’t contribute in common people’s lives then why not psychology.. 🤔

        Liked by 1 person

      2. So true Pratik. There are so many concepts in psychology that I wish I knew in my teenage. Because that’s when they were really applicable!
        Some people don’t even know those concepts even after 40 years or so. That’s really sad. Understanding people and their behaviour is a necessity.
        I am interested in positive psychology, this branch focuses on brining out the best in people and helping them reach the state of well being. I will try my best to share the knowledge on this platform. That’s really very helpful in my own life and I hope it will prove helpful to many others as well. 😊


      3. Yes it definitely will. Looking forward to the next post. 😇

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Wonderful advice! 🙂 The way you broke down the different relationships was very helpful. All 5 areas are necessary to get us moving forward, growing, and becoming more positive. Scientifically, this principle helps the energy producers in our bodies, so win-win! Thank you for the work you put into this post! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m so glad you found this helpful! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!! Means a lot to me!🙏
      Hope you have a fantastic week ahead 💖😊

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Your compilation of words is great. Inspiring blog. Keep writing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks a lot Vivek! Appreciate your kind words🙏 It’s great to hear from you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Same here… And you have a nice name, Vrunda 👌🏻👍🏻

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks Vivek! 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Wonderful sharing indeed. The persons with whom share our ideas, our pains and aspirations are the ones who count in our lives. What a life it would be if there is nobody to share our ideas. At home and in the company of our friends, we can re-wind ourselves, remove the monotony and share our experiences. A great write-up.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. So great post my dear. Yes so well said. And I love to spending time with you my sweet Vrunda… ❤ And yes you’re my role model. …. I love you a lot my angel. Keep shining 😇💕🌹

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awwww…. Didi you’re so sweet!!! Thank you so much! You are my beautiful angel! Blessed to have you didi!! Thank you for your constant support and love and care!! Means the world to me❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


  16. Great inspiring post, keep it up!

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Such a powerful post – you touched so many 🙂 LOVE it!

    Excellent, easy suggestions to be sure the 5 people we surround ourselves with the most are lifting our spirits and enriching our character or if they are a heavy burden to our soul. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you liked it Terri! You’re so kind❤️❤️❤️❤️ thanks a lott!! You’re words are uplifting and sweet💕 just made my day💗

      Liked by 1 person

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