Body positivity

Today I asked my body what she needed,

Which is a big deal

Considering my journey of

Not Really Asking That Much

I thought she might need more water

Or proteins. Or greens. Or supplements. Or yoga. Or movement.

But as I stood in the shower

Reflecting on her stretch marks

Her roundness where I would like flatness,

Her softness where I would like firmness,

All those conditioned wishes

That form a bunch of


She whispered very gently –

Can you just loved me like this?”

– Hollie Holden

No matter what your body looks like – whether it’s big, small, dark, fair, I am here to tell you, you are beautiful.

And I’m not saying this just to be nice or that’s the right thing to say.. I’m saying this because it’s a fact, it’s the truth.

I struggled with body image issues (I still do at times). There was a time when I hated my body and I would have been ready to exchange it with anyone who I think is better than me.

But now I don’t.

You know why? because I’ve learnt to love my body as it is. I don’t want to change a single thing about it.

I have realised that when you look at yourself in the mirror with a frown, you really look miserable. But when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, even the person looking at you smiles and suddenly seems more attractive.

You don’t need to be so harsh on yourself, you don’t see yourself every time. You don’t know how beautiful you look when you talk about your passion, you don’t know how beautiful you look when you see your crush smiling back at you, you don’t know how beautiful you look when you are talking kindly to someone.

And people notice that!

Don’t be in a sad mood because your dress is tight or you got pimples or you are tanned or something silly like that.

Just decide you are going to have fun wherever you go, no matter how you look like. You are going to talk to people and not care what they think about you.

And believe me, when you truly, deeply feel comfortable in your own skin, you glow. This is a different type of glow that you cannot fake with all the cosmetics and surgeries.

People love to be around that sunshine, that glow. They love the positivity, optimism, humour that you bring to the table.

Just wake up today and decide you are going to love your body and take care of it and you’ll be surprised to see how your life gets better.

And remember, your body is not a show piece for people to judge, it’s a instrument through which you are able to experience the world around you.

If a guy doesn’t like you physically? You don’t care! You haven’t been given a life sentence to spend the rest of your life with him. You have the choice right? Make your decision and stay away from people who constantly criticise your body.

This post is mainly addressed to girls as I have seen many of them struggle with body image issue (I know it’s not gender specific). But I want you girls to know that –

Even the girl in the magazine doesn’t look like the girl in the magazine.

So stop comparing your real life to what people show on Instagram. That might just be the tip of the iceberg…. Value what you have while you have it.

13 responses to “Body positivity”

  1. Absolutely …… instead of going crazy behind fake vanity let’s embrace the real us

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beauty of mind is more important than physical beauty.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is real positivity!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Absolutely true and beautiful 😍😍😍💙

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Sid ♥

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Myyy pllleaasssure 🥰💙


    1. Thank youuu Arooba!!♥

      Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s not about feeling bad, I think whatever God has gifted us is unique,, but if we can make it better , why don’t we! Not for others but for ourselves,, I believe fitness is not to show off,but it infuse a lot of confidence and shows us that how much we love ourself,, as you said , I disagree with you,, You are given a master piece and then you think to get it ruined and love it ,, I think it’s just a lazy attitude,,, going through some illness is some other issue but if you are okay, why don’t you keep yourself better , that will be a tribute to God’s work on you,, just think

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Sanjay!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Well said dear 😊❤ Enjoy each moment

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Krishna!♥
      Appreciate your kind words


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